Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies

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Workshop (Regensburg)

"Maps in Libraries 2019"

13.03.2019 at 13:00  – 14.03.2019 at 20:00 

From 13 to 14 March 2019, an international workshop entitled "Maps in Libraries 2019" will take place at the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Research (IOS) in Regensburg. It is the first international workshop of the "Geo-Referenced Hidden Maps on East and Southeast Europe" (GeoPortOst) project team at the IOS in cooperation with the Universität Regensburg. Conveners are Tillmann Tegeler (IOS), Hans Bauer (IOS) and Ulf Brunnbauer (UR/IOS).

The advancing digitization of library holdings allows easier access to resources that were previously poorly represented by the traditional catalogue. This also includes map collections: In digital environments, they are searchable beyond verbal indexing. Crucial for this is adding geographical coordinates as new values to the map metadata (via georeferencing). With the help of coordinates not only the retrieval of cartographic documents can be improved by visual geosearch systems, they can also be linked to other information – outside of the catalogue.

Meanwhile we look back on about 15 years of mass geo‐ referencing in libraries. Various applications have been established to unlock map content with public participation (e.g. the Georeferencer by Klokan Technologies or the Map Warper by Tim Waters) and make it available in portals.

The workshop “Maps in Libraries” provides a forum to discuss the results and perspectives of these developments. How is the response to new access points to map content? How are the data used ‐ and do we even know about it? How are map documents found in a diversified landscape of portals and digital libraries? Who belongs to the target group of these newservices – and is there one at all?

The programme and further information may be found here.

Registration for participating is required in advance. If you are interested in this event, please contact the GeoPortOst project team via email until 5 March 2019.

GeoPortOst is a pilot project for the electronic indexing and georeferenced presentation of hidden maps. For further information see the GeoPortOst project website.

Where: Regensburg - Leibniz‐Institut für Ost‐ und Südosteuropaforschung (IOS), Landshuter Str. 4, 93047 Regensburg, Room 319

When: Wednesday, 13.03.2019, 1 p.m. – Thursday, 15.03.2019, 8 p.m.

Responsible for content: GS OSES/Hilgert