Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies

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Prof. Dr. Martin Schulze Wessel

Lehrstuhl für Geschichte Ost- und Südosteuropas

Principal Investigators

Prof. Dr. Michael Brenner

Lehrstuhlinhaber beurlaubt vom 1.9.2024-31.8.2028

Prof. Dr. Julia Burkhardt

Professorin für Mittelalterliche Geschichte

Prof. Dr. Marie-Janine Calic

Professorin für Ost- und Südosteuropäische Geschichte

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Svetlana Efimova

Jun.-Professorin für Slavische Literaturwissenschaft und Medien

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Hacısalihoğlu

Vertretungsprofessor für Turkologie - Leitung des Lehrstuhls für Turkologie / Iranistik

Dr. habil. Alexander Kratochvil

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Bereich für Slavische Literaturwissenschaft und Allgemeine Literaturwissenschaft

Prof. Dr. Philipp Lenhard

Lehrstuhlvertretung vom 01.09.2024 - 31.08.2028

Prof. Dr. Christoph K. Neumann

Lehrstuhl für Turkologie (beurlaubt)

Prof. Dr. Riccardo Nicolosi

Lehrstuhlinhaber für Slavische Philologie (Literaturwissenschaft) Professor of Slavic Literatures Foto: © Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald/Vincent Leifer

Prof. Dr. Máté Rigó

Professor für Ost- und Südosteuropäische Geschichte

Prof. Dr. Evelyn Schulz

Professorin für Japanologie

Prof. Dr. Martin Schulze Wessel

Speaker – Principal Investigator – Executive Board Member

Prof. Dr. Barbara Sonnenhauser

Lehrstuhlinhaberin für Slavische Philologie (Sprachwissenschaft)

PD Dr. Kai Struve

Forschungsgruppenleiter im BMBF-Projekt „Europa und die Ukraine im 20. Jahrhundert – sowjetische Herrschaft, deutsche Okkupation und konflikthafte Erinnerungen“ / Mykola-Haievoi-Zentrum für moderne Geschichte

PD Dr. Talin Suciyan

Akademische Oberrätin auf Zeit (Turkologie)

Prof. Dr. Berenika Szymanski-Düll

Professur für Theaterwissenschaft mit Schwerpunkt transnationale Theatergeschichte

Prof. Dr. Hans van Ess

Lehrstuhl für Sinologie (einschließlich Mongolistik)

Doctoral Students

Maysa Albert

PhD Student in Turkish Studies

Julia Baumann

PhD Student in Comparative Politics and East European Studies

Laura Eras, M.A.

PhD Student in Sociology and Eastern European Studies

Yasir İslam Kaplan, M.A.

PhD Student in Contemporary Turkish Literature

Ayşegül Koca, M.A.

PhD Student in Turkish Studies

Mara Matičević, M. A.

PhD Student in Slavic Literature

Matthias Melcher, M.A.

PhD Student in East European History

Paul Primbs

PhD Student in East European History - Doctoral Student Representative

Marek Pršín

PhD Student in Political Sciences

Nevena Radosavljević

PhD Student in the History of East and Southeast Europe

Mirko Savković

PhD Student in Southeast European History

Jakub K. Sawicki, M. A.

PhD Student in East European History

Saygı Tuna

PhD student in Turkish studies

Philipp Tvrdinić, M. A.

PhD Student in Slavic Literature

Orhun Yalcin

PhD student in Turkish Studies

Yuguang Zhou, M. A.

PhD Student in Southeast European History


Dr Felix Jeschke

Coordinator of the Elite Graduate Program in East European Studies and the Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies Munich

Georgiy Konovaltsev, M.A.

Doktorand am Mykola-Haievoi-Zentrum für moderne Geschichte, Koordinator DUHK


Dr. Jan Arend

Alumnus – Former Postdoc

Dr. Boris Ganichev

Alumnus – Deputy Doctoral Student Representative

Marina Klyshko, Dr.

PhD Student in Slavic Literature

Slata Kozakova, Dr. phil.

PhD Student in Slavic Literature

Svea Lehmann, M. A.

PhD Student in East European History

Björn Lemke, M. A.

PhD Student in East European History

Heejae Park, M.A.

Research Fellow in Russian and Asian Studies (2018-19)

Patricia Pfeifer (née Vidovic), Dr.

Affiliated Researcher – Affiliated Doctoral Candidate

Sophie Straube, M. A.

PhD Student in East European History

Peter Wegenschimmel, Mag.

PhD Student in Southeast European History

Kai Johann Willms, Dr. des.

PhD Student in East European History

Former Postdocs

Dr. Martin Brusis

Affiliated Researcher – Former Postdoc – Former Principal Investigator

Dr. Adele Del Sordi

Postdoctoral Researcher of Sociology and Political Science

Dr. Adrian Grama

Postdoctoral Researcher of Southeast European History − Former Visiting Fellow

Dr. Tobias Grill

Affiliated Researcher – Former Postdoc

Petar Kehayov, Ph.D. habil.

Affiliated Researcher – Former Postdoc

PD Dr. Friederike Kind-Kovács

Affiliated Researcher – Former Postdoc – Former Principal Investigator

Dr. Anna-Dorothea Ludewig

Postdoctoral Researcher of Comparative Literature and Jewish Studies

Dr. Irina Morozova

Affiliated Researcher – Former Postdoc

PD Dr. Jasper Trautsch

Affiliated Researcher – Former Postdoc

Dr. Nina Weller

Affiliated Researcher – Former Postdoc

Former Staff

Dr. Caroline Fricke

Former Managing Director (Munich)

Astrid Heindel, B. A.

Former Graduate Assistant (Regensburg)

Dr. Christoph Hilgert

Former Publications and Public Relations Officer

Dr. Kathrin Krogner-Kornalik

Former Publications and Public Relations Officer

Alexandra Prem

Former Office Manager (Regensburg)

Dipl. Betriebswirtin Elke Sanwald

Former Office Manager (Munich)

Danielle Snyder, B. A.

Former Graduate Assistant (Munich)

Annamária Vatsakis-Horváth, M. A.

Former Office Manager (Munich)

Former Fellows & Honorary Research Associates

Prof. Elena Aronova, Ph.D.

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

Prof. Dr. Martin Aust

Honorary Research Associate – Former Principal Investigator

Prof. Dr. Nebi Bardhoshi

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

Prof. Ivaylo Ditchev, Ph.D.

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

Prof. Dr. Burcu Dogramaci

Professur mit Schwerpunkt Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts und der Gegenwart

Prof. Dr. Mikhail Dolbilov

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

Prof. Elizabeth Cullen Dunn, Ph.D.

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

Prof. Edhem Eldem

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

Prof. Dr. Raoul Eshelman

Außerplanmäßiger Professor und akademischer Rat für Slavische Literaturwissenschaft

Prof. Dr. Anton Fedyashin

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

Prof. Victoria Frede, Ph.D.

Honorary Research Associate – Advisory Board Member – Former Visiting Fellow

Nikita Gilić, Ph.D.

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

Dr. Stefaan Jansen

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

Prof. Dr. Peeter Järvelaid

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

Prof. Dr. Árpád von Klimó

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

Dr. Michael Kopeček

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

Prof. Rotem Kowner, Ph.D.

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

PhDr. Kateřina Králová, Ph.D.

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

Prof. Eric Lohr, Ph.D.

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

Prof. Dr. Irmela von der Lühe

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

Prof. Zoran Milutinović, Ph.D.

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

Prof. Marina Mogilner, Ph.D.

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

Prof. Caitlin Murdock, Ph.D.

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

Vlad Pașca

Former Visiting Fellow

Tanja Petrović, Ph.D.

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

Prof. Dr. Piotr Piotrowski †

Former Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

Prof. Alexander M. Semyonov, Ph.D.

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

Dr. Marsha Siefert

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

Prof. em. Dr. Elena Skribnik

Leitung des Lehrstuhls Finnougristik

Prof. Yuri Slezkine, Ph.D.

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

Prof. Dr. Marta Smolińska

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

Dubravka Stojanović

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

Prof. Ronald Grigor Suny, Ph.D.

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

Dr. habil. Mikołaj Szołtysek

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

Dr. Gianfranco Tamburelli

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

Prof. Maria Todorova, Ph.D.

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

Prof. Meltem Toksöz, Ph.D.

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

Jasmina Tumbas, Ph.D.

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

Prof. Dr. Dirk Uffelmann

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow

Prof. Erika Wolf, Ph.D.

Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow