Prof. Dr. Martin Schulze WesselLehrstuhl für Geschichte Ost- und Südosteuropas |
Principal Investigators
Prof. Dr. Michael BrennerLehrstuhlinhaber beurlaubt vom 1.9.2024-31.8.2028 |
Prof. Dr. Julia BurkhardtProfessorin für Mittelalterliche Geschichte |
Prof. Dr. Marie-Janine CalicProfessorin für Ost- und Südosteuropäische Geschichte |
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Svetlana EfimovaJun.-Professorin für Slavische Literaturwissenschaft und Medien |
Prof. Dr. Mehmet HacısalihoğluVertretungsprofessor für Turkologie - Leitung des Lehrstuhls für Turkologie / Iranistik |
Dr. habil. Alexander KratochvilWissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Bereich für Slavische Literaturwissenschaft und Allgemeine Literaturwissenschaft |
Prof. Dr. Philipp LenhardLehrstuhlvertretung vom 01.09.2024 - 31.08.2028 |
Prof. Dr. Riccardo NicolosiLehrstuhlinhaber für Slavische Philologie (Literaturwissenschaft) Professor of Slavic Literatures Foto: © Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald/Vincent Leifer |
Prof. Dr. Martin Schulze WesselSpeaker – Principal Investigator – Executive Board Member |
Prof. Dr. Barbara SonnenhauserLehrstuhlinhaberin für Slavische Philologie (Sprachwissenschaft) |
PD Dr. Kai StruveForschungsgruppenleiter im BMBF-Projekt „Europa und die Ukraine im 20. Jahrhundert – sowjetische Herrschaft, deutsche Okkupation und konflikthafte Erinnerungen“ / Mykola-Haievoi-Zentrum für moderne Geschichte |
Prof. Dr. Berenika Szymanski-DüllProfessur für Theaterwissenschaft mit Schwerpunkt transnationale Theatergeschichte |
Prof. Dr. Hans van EssLehrstuhl für Sinologie (einschließlich Mongolistik) |
Doctoral Students
Laura Eras, M.A.PhD Student in Sociology and Eastern European Studies |
Nevena RadosavljevićPhD Student in the History of East and Southeast Europe |
Dr Felix JeschkeCoordinator of the Elite Graduate Program in East European Studies and the Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies Munich |
Georgiy Konovaltsev, M.A.Doktorand am Mykola-Haievoi-Zentrum für moderne Geschichte, Koordinator DUHK |
Ana-Teodora Kurkina, M. A.PhD Student in Southeast European History |
Patricia Pfeifer (née Vidovic), Dr.Affiliated Researcher – Affiliated Doctoral Candidate |
Former Postdocs
Prof. Dr. Melanie ArndtAffiliated Researcher – Former Postdoc |
Dr. Martin BrusisAffiliated Researcher – Former Postdoc – Former Principal Investigator |
Dr. Adele Del SordiPostdoctoral Researcher of Sociology and Political Science |
Dr. Adrian GramaPostdoctoral Researcher of Southeast European History − Former Visiting Fellow |
PD Dr. Friederike Kind-KovácsAffiliated Researcher – Former Postdoc – Former Principal Investigator |
Dr. Anna-Dorothea LudewigPostdoctoral Researcher of Comparative Literature and Jewish Studies |
Dr. Irina MorozovaAffiliated Researcher – Former Postdoc |
Dr. Berenika Szymanski-DüllAffiliated Researcher – Former Postdoc |
Former Staff
Dr. Caroline FrickeFormer Managing Director (Munich) |
Astrid Heindel, B. A.Former Graduate Assistant (Regensburg) |
Dr. Christoph HilgertFormer Publications and Public Relations Officer |
Dr. Kathrin Krogner-KornalikFormer Publications and Public Relations Officer |
Alexandra PremFormer Office Manager (Regensburg) |
Dipl. Betriebswirtin Elke SanwaldFormer Office Manager (Munich) |
Danielle Snyder, B. A.Former Graduate Assistant (Munich) |
Annamária Vatsakis-Horváth, M. A.Former Office Manager (Munich) |
Former Fellows & Honorary Research Associates
Prof. Elena Aronova, Ph.D.Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow |
Prof. Dr. Martin AustHonorary Research Associate – Former Principal Investigator |
Prof. Ivaylo Ditchev, Ph.D.Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow |
Prof. Dr. Burcu DogramaciProfessur mit Schwerpunkt Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts und der Gegenwart |
Prof. Elizabeth Cullen Dunn, Ph.D.Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow |
Prof. Dr. Raoul EshelmanAußerplanmäßiger Professor und akademischer Rat für Slavische Literaturwissenschaft |
Prof. Dr. Anton FedyashinHonorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow |
Prof. Victoria Frede, Ph.D.Honorary Research Associate – Advisory Board Member – Former Visiting Fellow |
Dr. Stefaan JansenHonorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow |
Prof. Dr. Peeter JärvelaidHonorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow |
Prof. Rotem Kowner, Ph.D.Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow |
PhDr. Kateřina Králová, Ph.D.Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow |
Prof. Dr. Irmela von der LüheHonorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow |
Prof. Zoran Milutinović, Ph.D.Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow |
Prof. Caitlin Murdock, Ph.D.Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow |
Tanja Petrović, Ph.D.Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow |
Prof. Alexander M. Semyonov, Ph.D.Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow |
Prof. Yuri Slezkine, Ph.D.Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow |
Prof. Ronald Grigor Suny, Ph.D.Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow |
Dr. habil. Mikołaj SzołtysekHonorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow |
Dr. Gianfranco TamburelliHonorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow |
Prof. Maria Todorova, Ph.D.Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow |
Prof. Meltem Toksöz, Ph.D.Honorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow |
Prof. Dr. Dirk UffelmannHonorary Research Associate – Former Visiting Fellow |