Roland Wenzlhuemer (Munich)
"Global History"
25.06.2019 18:30 – 20:30
The Center for Advanced Studies der LMU (CAS LMU) cordially invites members of LMU to an evening lecture on Tuesday June 25th. Prof. Dr. Roland Wenzlhuemer (LMU) will discuss "Global History", chaired by Prof. Dr. Christopher Balme (LMU). In the new series “CAS Showcase” researchers of LMU speak about the state of the art of their discipline.
The lecture is followed by a small reception.
Registration is recommended at
When: Tuesday, June 25th at 18:30
Where: CAS, Seestraße 13, 80802 Munich
Please be advised that this lecture will be recorded to upload the video on the CAS website as well as on LMU on iTunes. With their registration the participants agree with the film recording.