Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies

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Workshop (Munich)

"Actors on the Move. Theater als Ort interkultureller Begegnung" [Actors on the Move: Theater as a Place of Intercultural Encounter]


On Tuesday, 26 March 2019, an internal workshop on "Actors on the Move. Theater als Ort interkultureller Begegnung" [Actors on the Move: Theater as a Place of Intercultural Encounter] will be held at LMU Munich's Center for Advanced Studies (CAS). It is organized by Dr Berenika Szymanski-Düll, a former postdoctoral fellow and now Affiliated Researcher of the Graduate School, as current Junior Researcher in Residence at the CAS.

The workshop is not open to the public. Registration is not possible any more. / Der Workshop ist nicht öffentlich. Eine Anmeldung ist nicht mehr möglich. 

Dr. Berenika Szymanski-Düll is a former postdoctoral fellow of the Graduate School and now Affiliated Researcher, as well as Junior Researcher in Residence at the LMU Center for Advanced Studies. Szymanski-Düll studied Dramaturgy, Slavic Philology and Intercultural Communication at the Bavarian Theater Academy and the LMU in Munich. She then did her PhD on the theatricality of Polish opposition movements in the 1980s. She is a member of the DFG network "Performance Art Beyond the Iron Curtain" and the Center for Global Theater Histories. Since 2016 she has been the editor of Forum Modernes Theater.


Neue Transport- und Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten im 19. Jahrhundert erweiterten den Aktionsraum von Schauspieler/innen und erlaubten Gastauftritte über nationale, gar kontinentale Grenzen hinweg. Dadurch erfuhr der noch im ausgehenden 18. Jahrhundert um seine gesellschaftliche Reputation ringende Berufsstand im 19. Jahrhundert eine Aufwertung. Diese führte so weit, dass bestimmte Akteurinnen und Akteure international gefeiert wurden und mit ihrer Kunst die Welt bereisten. Im Zentrum des Workshops steht die Mobilität tourender Schauspieler/innen und die damit einhergehende Frage nach dem Theater als Ort interkultureller Begegnung


New ways of transport and communication in the 19th century extended the action space of actors and permitted guest appearances across national, even continental borders. As a result, the profession of acting that was still struggling for its social reputation in the late eighteenth century experienced an enhanced appreciation in the 19th century. This led so far as that certain actors were celebrated internationally and traveled the world with their art. The focus of the workshop is on the mobility of touring actors and the associated question; the theater as a place for intercultural encounters.


Where: Munich – Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Center of Area Studies, Seestraße 13, 80802 München

When: Tuesday, 26.03.2019

Responsible for content: GS OSES/Hilgert