Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies

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New anthology: Jews and Muslims in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union

Neuer Sammelband des IGK "Religiöse Kulturen im Europa der Neuzeit" zu jüdischen und muslimischen Minderheiten im zaristischen Russland und der Sowjetunion erschienen


Martin Schulze Wessel, Michael Brenner and Franziska Davis are editors of the new anthology "Jews and Muslims in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union" that has recently been published with Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. The sixth volume of the series "Religiöse Kulturen im Europa der Neuzeit" [Religious Cultures in Early Modern Europe] by the International Research Training Group of the same name deals with diverse perspectives on the history of Jews and Muslims in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union.

About the book

The Russian Empire and the Soviet Union were multiethnic and multireligious empires, which ruled over a large number of Jews and Muslims. In many ways these two non-Christian minorities presented similar challenges to the imperial order. Which policies did the state pursue toward Jews and Muslims? How did Jews and Muslims attempt to advance their interests in the political sphere? Which role did they play in the imperial army? What did the Jewish and Muslim Enlightenment movements have in common? In which respects were the experiences of Jews and Muslims fundamentally different? This book brings together specialists in Russian-Jewish and Russian-Muslim history and offers perspectives for a comparative approach to the history of Jews and Muslims in Russia.


ISBN 978-3-525-31028-1
Reihe: Religiöse Kulturen im Europa der Neuzeit - Volume 006
168 Seiten
Published with Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht in December 2015
Hardcover (49,99€) and Ebook (39,99€)