Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies

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New Publication: "Textile Moderne / Textile Modernism"

Burcu Dogramaci has edited a new and innovative volume on the textile arts


The textile arts as avant-garde (cultural) techniques and the textile as an artistic experimental field of the period between 1850 and 1950 are in focus of a newly published volume that is edited by Burcu Dogramaci, Professor of Art History at LMU Munich and Principal Investigator of the Graduate School. Her book "Textile Moderne / Textile Modernism" seeks to offer a reassessment of the textile arts of modernism. The volume, hence, features numerous articles on a richly diverse array of techniques and forms of expression in the textile arts, which are written by internationally leading scholars of this field of research. The volume comprises essays in English and German language and is published with Böhlau Verlag.

About the book

For the first time in this book, the textile arts as avant-garde (cultural) techniques and the textile as an artistic experimental field of the period between 1850 and 1950 are taken into consideration. The focus is on techniques such as embroidery, weaving and application as well as expressions such as textile pictures, tapestries, home textiles and fashion. The contributions of international authors are guided by questions on material, experiment, intermediality, gender, translocality and globality, textile architectures and collections. They offer innovative perspectives on a still underdeveloped topic and thus contribute to a re-evaluation of the textile arts of modernity.

Über das Buch

Erstmals werden in diesem Buch die textilen Künste als avantgardistische (Kultur-)Techniken und das Textile als künstlerisches Experimentierfeld der Zeit zwischen 1850 und 1950 in den Blick genommen. Im Fokus stehen dabei Techniken wie Stickerei, Weberei und Applikation sowie Ausdrucksformen wie Textilbilder, Wandteppiche, Wohntextilien und Mode. Die Beiträge internationaler Autor_innen werden von Fragen zu Material, Experiment, Intermedialität, Gender, Translokalität und Globalität, zu textilen Architekturen und Sammlungen geleitet. Sie bieten innovative Perspektiven auf ein noch wenig erschlossenes Themenfeld und tragen so zu einer Neubewertung der textilen Künste der Moderne bei.


For further information on the content, click here (external link to the website of the publishing house).

Dogramaci, Burcu (Hg./ed.): Textile Moderne / Textile Modernism (mode global; 3). Köln: Böhlau Verlag, 2019.
459 Pages, 216 images/illustrations
ISBN 978-3-412-51459-4 (book)
45,00 €
ISBN: 978-3-412-51805-9 (ebook)
37,99 €
Böhlau / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlage

Cover: © Böhlau Verlag

Responsible for content: GS OSES / Hilgert