Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies

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Liavitski, Anton

Dr. Anton Liavitski


Doctoral Project

Die Perestroika, die Intelligenzija und die Geburt des weißrussischen Populismus, 1988–1997

Perestroika, Intelligentsia, and the Birth of Belarusian Populism, 1988–1997

Following the Belarusian political scientist Vital Silitski, this project examines the cultural prerequisites for the establishment of the system of rule of the Belarusian President Aljaksandr Lukashenka. The work thus contributes to the understanding of political developments in post-socialist and post-Soviet states. Above all, it is necessary to question the contents of the Intelligentsia’s discourses. How was their program for post-Soviet transformation and the "Narration of the Nation" (S. Hall) seen? Which specific topics and questions did it include? How did the discourses reflect the external challenges and opportunities as well as the internal boundaries and conflicts that the intelligentsia experienced as a social group? Furthermore, the intelligentsia can be described as a set of "individual and collective stories of the actors" (Bourdieu). What was the social structure, conflicts and aims within the Intelligentsia? The third section of the project focuses on the regional framework of Belarussian intellectual history after 1991. It will examine the influence of Russian intellectuals on Belarus, as well as the less obvious links with Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania, which provided important impetus for the nation state and market reforms.

Please also see an overview of his project in the Graduate School's Newsletter Nr. 10, Summer Semester 2018.

Curriculum Vitae

Born in Palianinavičy (Belarus). Since 11/2016, PhD Student of the Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies. 04-08/2016 Exchange Studies, University of Leipzig (Erasmus). 09/2015 - 09/2016 Master's degree, Belarusian State University in Minsk, in World History. 09/2014 - 01/2015 Exchange Studies, University of Leipzig (Agricola Scholarship). 09/2010 - 06/2015 Studied History and Political Science, Belarussian State University in Minsk.

Positions, Assignments and Memberships


Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Perestroika und die Ursprünge von Lukašėnkas Konservatismus: Ulrich Mählert u.a. (Hg.): Jahrbuch für Historische Kommunismusforschung 2022. Berlin: Metropol Verlag.

“The Phenomenon of Culture is the Phenomenon of Bread”: The Debate on Culture in Belarus (1988–1991). In: Baltic Journal of Art History 19/2020 (mit Tatsiana Astrouskaya)

Предотвращенное банкротство: белорусская нация и советские пространства вненаходимости [Verhinderter Konkurs: die belarussische Nation und sowjetische Räume von Außerhalbsein]. In: Europäische Universität in Sankt-Petersburg (Hg.): Конструируя “советское”? Политическое сознание, повседневные практики, новые идентичности [Das „Sowjetische“ konstruieren? Politisches Bewusstsein, alltägliche Praktiken und neue Identitäten], Sankt-Petersburg 2017, S. 108-114.

Да пытання пра ўнутраную эміграцыю беларускіх інтэлектуалаў у БССР (1964–1985) [= Zur Frage nach der inneren Emigration der belarussischen Intellektuellen in der BSSR (1964-1985)]. In: Беларускі Гістарычны Агляд [Belarusian Historical Review] 1–2/2013.

Тураўскае княства ў беларускім гістарычным наратыве паміж 1980 і 2000 гадамі [= Das Turauer Fürstentum in der belarussischen Geschichtsnarration von 1980 bis 2000]. In: Białoruskie Zeszyty Historyczne 42/2014.

Гістарычнае апісанне ў Беларусі (пачатак 1990-х) [= Geschichtsschreibung in Belarus (frühe 1990er Jahre)]. In: Еўропа 2014: гуманітарныя веды паміж мінулым і будучыняй. Вільнюс, 2015.

"Несколько минут чужой жизни": национальнай культура в Белорусской ССР (1970-е) [= "Einige Minuten des fremden Lebens": Nationale Kultur in der Bealrussischen SSR (1970er Jahre)]. In: Конструируя "советское"? Политическое сознание, повседневные практики, новые идентичности, Санкт-Петербург 2015.


Einax, R.: Entstalinisierung auf Weißrussisch: Krisenbewältigung, sozioökonomische Dynamik und öffentliche Meinung in der Belorussischen Sowjetrepublik 1953–1965. Wiesbaden 2014. In: Беларускі Гістарычны Агляд 1-2/2015.

Presentations (selected)


Presentation of the doctoral project. Colloquium of the Center for Interdisciplinary Polish Studies, European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Mai 13, 2022.

Presentation of the doctoral project. Colloquium of the German Historical Institute, Moscow, February 15, 2022.


Presentation of the doctoral project. Research network "Legacies of Communism", Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam.

Presentation of the doctoral project. Colloquium of the Chair of East and Southeast European History, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, June 16, 2021.


Presentation of the doctoral project. Colloquium of the Chair of East and Southeast European History, University of Leipzig, November 4, 2020.


"Zur Motivation Lukanschenkas Kulturpolitik in Belarus" (Jahrestagung des Herder Forschungsrates "Kulturpolitik in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa 1945 bis 2015", Herder-Institut, Marburg, Oktober 2016).

"Feurig-wässrige Tautologie. Problem der Biographie von Janka Kupala (1982-1998)" (auf Belarussisch, 6th Kongress of Belarusian Studies, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Oktober 2016).

"Die Belarussische Sowjetrepublik als eine Vorstellungsgemeinschaft. Erinnerungs- und Geschichtspolitik in spätsowjetischen Zeit" (24. Tagung Junger Osteuropa-Experten, Europäische Akademie Berlin, Berlin, Juli 2016).

"Postsowjetische Frage nach dem Altrussischen Volk und Benedict Anderson" (auf Russisch, Tag der vergleichenden Geschichte, Europäische Universität Sankt-Petersburg, Sankt-Petersburg, März 2016).


"Auf der letzten Strecke: Ivan Šamiakins 90er in Belarus" (Workshop "Historische und kulturelle Narrative. Konkurrenzen und Verflechtungen im östlichen Europa - Russland, Ukraine und Belarus", Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, November 2015).