Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies

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Tóth, Katalin

Dr. Katalin Tóth



Doctoral Project

"I love Budapest. I bike Budapest?" Eine kulturwissenschaftliche Analyse des urbanen Radfahrens in der ungarischen Hauptstadt (1983-2013) — abgeschlossen

"I love Budapest. I bike Budapest?" an ethnography of urban cycling between local meaning and international sustainability discourses — completed

Biking is becoming increasingly important in urban mobility's vision of the future, which is why its sociopolitical understanding is essential in urban contexts. The present project examines the emancipation of cyclists in Budapest, the capital of Hungary, which is now referred to as the bicycle capital of Eastern Europe. The study period of the case study (2004-2014) reflects the observation that, within this one decade, cycling has changed from a subcultural practice of an alternative urban milieu to an everyday normalized form of transport. It should be analyzed in terms of its materiality, with regard to the various social practices, discourses and forms of representation at the interface between infrastructure, urban policy and society. How are the infrastructural consequences of socialist urban planning in urban space, current urban lifestyles and mobility behavior related? How and by which groups of actors is the role of cycling in city life negotiated on a political and cultural level? The work is designed as an empirical-qualitative contemporary study. Its aim is to explore the evolution of the urban and to exploit the global interdependencies and the adaptation of transnational trends – such as environmental awareness – as well as subcultural forms using the example of a form of mobility in an Eastern European city.

Please also see an overview of her project in the Graduate School's 2012/13 Annual Report.

Published as:

"I love Budapest. I bike Budapest?" Urbaner Radverkehr in der ungarischen Hauptstadt, 1980–2014. (= Schnittstellen. Studien zum östlichen und südöstlichen Europa; 13). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2019 (in print).

Curriculum Vitae

Katalin Tóth was born in Budapest, Hungary. 2002-2009 studies of German and folklore at Eötvös Loránd University Budapest. 2009-2011 Majored in European Ethnology / Intercultural Communication and minored in History of Eastern and Southeastern Europe in the context of the Elite Eastern European Studies at LMU, Munich. 2010 to 2012 Assistant position in the joint project Objects of Energy Consumption at the Deutsches Museum. December 2012 to 2017, doctoral candidate at the Graduate School in Munich.



"I love Budapest. I bike Budapest?" Urbaner Radverkehr in der ungarischen Hauptstadt, 1980–2014. (= Schnittstellen. Studien zum östlichen und südöstlichen Europa; 13). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2019.

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Budapest: Reviving the Bicycle Lifestyle. In: Oldenziehl, Ruth; A. de la Bruheze, and Frank Veraart (Hrsg.) European Cycling Cities: Hundred Years of Police & Practice, 2016, S. 160-171, 240-241.

„Memento 1944”. Opferdiskurs der Ungarn in der Vojvodina. In: Moser, Johannes et al (Hrsg.) Europäische Ethnologie in München. Eine kulturwissenschaftliche Reader (=Münchner Beiträge zur Volkskunde, Bd. 42), 2015, S. 337-352.

Schick, kritisch, cool? Urbane Fahrradkultur in Budapest. In: Alzheimer, Heidrun et al (Hrsg.): Jahrbuch für Europäische Ethnologie, Dritte Folge 8, 2013, S. 341-352.

Im Dickicht der Moderne. Monsieur Hulot gegen den Zeitgeist. Kultur & Technik, 1/2012, S. 21-23.

Klímagyilkos hűtőszekrény? Az energiafogyaszás tárgyai a Deutsches Museumban [Klimakiller Kühlschrank? Objekte des Energiekonsums im Deutschen Museum]. Magyar Múzeumok Online, 20.09.2010. URL:


Ágnes Tóth, Bárdi Nándor (Hg.): Asszimiláció, integráció, szegregáció. Párhuzamos értelmezések és modellek a kisebbségkutatásban (Tér és terep, 8.) [Assimilierung, Integration, Segregation. Parallele Deutungen und Modelle in der Minderheitenforschung. Raum und Feld, 8]. Budapest: Argumentum 2011. 381 S. In: Jahrbuch für deutsche und osteuropäische Volkskunde. Bd. 53. [in Druck]

Margit, Feischmidt (Hg.): Etnicitás. Különbségteremtő társadalom [Ethnizität. Soziale Konstruktion von Differenzen], Budapest: Gondolat – MTA Kisebbségkutató Intézet, 2010, 441 S. In: Jahrbuch für deutsche und osteuropäische Volkskunde. Bd. 52, 2011, S. 238-243.

Further publications

With Simone Stirner: Deified – Damned – Depleted. Energy as Resource, Symbol and Consumer Good. München: Technische Universität München (TUM); Deutsches Museum (DM) München; Rachel Carson Center, München, 20.01.2011-22.01.2011. In: H-Soz-u-Kult, 07.04.2011. URL:

Presentations (selected)

25.09. 2012 Schick, cool und kritisch? Urbane Fahrradkultur in Budapest, Jahrestagung der Görres-Gesellschaft, Münster

03.09.2012 Understanding Cycling in Budapest, Symposium Cycling and Society, University of East London