Overview of the research projects by our current and former doctoral candidates as well as postdoctoral researchers
Maysa Albert, M.A.
Seen from the Edge. Istanbul's Last 100 Years from the Perspective of Its Peripheries — (doctoral project)
Dr. Jan Arend
Stress im (Post-)Sozialismus. Die Karriere einer Selbst- und Gesellschaftsdiagnose in Ostmitteleuropa, ca. 1970–2000 [= Stress between Late Socialism and Transformation. How East German and Czechoslovak/Czech societies dealt with tension and strain, 1970-2000] — (postdoctoral project)
Wie die russische Bodenkunde 'klassisch' wurde. Wissenstransfer und Internationalität des Wissens in Agrarwissenschaften und agrarpolitischer Expertise 1880-1945 [= How the Russian Soil Science became a 'classic'. Transfer and internationality of knowledge in agricultural science as well as agricultural politics 1180-1945] — (doctoral project; completed)
Prof. Dr. Melanie Arndt
Tschernobyl. Eine transnationale Geschichte [=Chernobyl. A Transnational History] — (postdoctoral project; completed)
Dr. Katharina Anna Aubele
Das Engagement vertriebener Frauen in den Anfangsjahren der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in kirchlichen Institutionen, Vertriebenenverbänden und Politik [= The engagement of displaced women in the early years of the Federal Republic of Germany in church institutions, organizations for displaced persons and politics] — (doctoral project; completed)
Annelie Bachmaier, M.A.
Konzeptionen des Fremden in der Prosa Aleksandr Grins [= Agents of Cultural Transfer. Polish Émigré Scholars in the Development of Eastern European Studies in the United States, 1939–1989] — (doctoral project; completed)
Julia Baumann, M.A.
How do opposition actors contest local elections under the conditions of electoral authoritarianism? Evidence from contemporary Russia — (doctoral project)
Anna Baumgartner, M.A.
Die Münchener Polenschule. Orientalismus, Abenteuer und Exotik in der Malerei Józef Brandts [= Orientalism, adventure and exoticism. The Polish horse and battle scene painter Józef Brandt in Munich (1862-1915)] — (doctoral project)
Dr. Kathleen Beger
Kleine Bürger für die große Zukunft: Sowjetische Einrichtungen für Kinder und Jugendliche im Vergleich (1925-1965) [= Small Citizens for the Great Future: Comparing Soviet Institutions for Children and Adolescents (1925-1965)] — (doctoral project; completed)
Dr. Mykola Borovyk
The Memory of World War II as a Factor of Collective Identity in Ukraine — (postdoctoral project)
Dr. Čarna Brković
Between Compassion and Social Justice: Humanitarianism in Montenegro during and after the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) [= Between Compassion and Social Justice: Humanitarianism in Montenegro during and after the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY)] — (postdoctoral project)
Dr. Martin Brusis
Postsowjetisches Regieren. Traditionen, Reformdiskurse und Institutionenpolitik [= Governing in Post-Soviet States. Traditions, Reform Discourses and Institutional Politics] — (postdoctoral project)
Dr. Fabian Burkhardt
Der Präsident und Machtteilung in der Russischen Föderation – eine Institution im Wandel [= The Presidency and Power Sharing in the Russian Federation - A Study of Institutional Change] — (doctoral project; completed)
Dr. Alice Buzdugan
Stadtliteratur der Zwischenkriegszeit in Rumänien zwischen nationaler Propaganda und Kulturphilosophie [= Urban literature of the interwar period in Romania between national propaganda and cultural philosophy] — (doctoral project; completed)
Dr. Katalin Cseh-Varga
Rebellische (Spiel)Räume und Underground-Netzwerke. „Zweite Öffentlichkeit“ der ungarischen Avantgarde [= Rebelling Play(Spaces) and Underground Networks. The "Second Public Sphere" of the Hungarian Avant-Garde] — (doctoral project; completed)
Drivalda Delia, M.A.
National Resistance as a Temporary Mean of Gender Empowerment – the Reshaping of Public Sphere before, during and in the Aftermath of the Kosovo Crisis (1988 – 1999) [= National Resistance as a Vehicle for Gender Empowerment – Reshaping the Public Sphere during and after the Kosovo Crisis (1981 -1999)] — (doctoral project)
Dr. Adele Del Sordi
Authoritarian regimes in quest of global legitimacy. Understanding the nexus between Russia’s domestic and international legitimation — (postdoctoral project)
Dr. Marija Đokić
Eine Theaterlandschaft für Belgrad (1841-1914). Kulturtransfer zwischen osmanischen, serbischen und europäischen Theaterpraktiken [= A theatrical landscape for Belgrade (1841-1914). Cultural transfer between Ottoman, Serbian and European Theater Pactices] — (doctoral project; completed)
Caroline Emig, M.A.
Leyb Kvitko – Sowjetisch-Jiddische Kinderlyrik und ihre Illustrationen zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts [= Leyb Kvitko – Soviet-Jewish Children’s Poetry and Their Illustrations at the Beginning of the 20th Century] — (doctoral project)
Laura Eras, M.A.
Intergroup relations in Ukraine — (doctoral project)
Dr. Beate Feldmeier, Dipl.-Math.
Sprachkontakt und Höflichkeit: Reflexion und Gebrauch von Anredestrategien von tschechischen Migranten im deutschsprachigen Umfeld. [= Language contact and courtesy: Reflection and use of the salutary strategies of Czech migrants in German-speaking countries] — (doctoral project; completed)
Dr. David Franz
Amerikanische und sowjetische Modernen in der Weimarer Republik [= USA and USSR in the discourses of modernity in the Weimar Republic] — (doctoral project; completed)
Boris Ganichev, M.A.
Das russländische Zollwesen der post-Reform Periode als imperiales Scharnier zwischen Zentrum, Peripherie und Bevölkerung [= Imperial Russia’s customs department after the Great Reforms: a pivot between center, periphery and population] — (doctoral project)
Stefan Gužvica, M.A.
International Solidarity and Transnational Repression: The Balkan Communist Parties during the Great Purge, 1936-1939 — (doctoral project)
Dr. Adrian Grama
The Anxiety of the Global. Rethinking the Second Globalization from the European Periphery (1960s-1990s) [= The Anxiety of the Global. Rethinking the Second Globalization from the European Periphery (1960s-1990s)] — (postdoctoral project)
Dr. Tobias Grill
Isaak Nachman Steinberg: Im Kampf für Sozialismus und Judentum. Eine globalgeschichtliche Biografie [= Isaak Nachman Steinberg: Fighting for Socialism and Jewry. A global biography] — (postdoctoral project)
Dr. Gerhard Grüßhaber
Der "deutsche Geist" in der osmanischen/türkischen Armee, 1908-1938. Eine Transfergeschichte militärischen Denkens [= The "German Spirit" in the Ottoman / Turkish Army, 1908- 1938. A Transfer History of Military Thinking] — (doctoral project; completed)
Dr. Maren Hachmeister
Selbstorganisation im Sozialismus: Das Rote Kreuz in Polen und der Tschechoslowakei (1945-1989) [= Self-organization in Socialism: The Red Cross in Poland and Czechoslovakia (1945-1989)] — (doctoral project; completed)
Artur Hilgenberg, M.A.
Der Gemeindebesitz der Donkosaken. Entstehung und Entwicklung bis 1835 [= The Communal Land Tenure of the Don Cossacks. Origins and Evolution till 1835] — (doctoral project)
Dr. des. Helena Holzberger
Fotografie & Russlands Orient. Koloniale und lokale Bilderwelten an der zentralasiatischen Peripherie im Diskurs der Moderne (1870-1941) [= Photography and Russia's Orient. Colonial and local pictorial worlds on the Central Asian periphery in the discourse of modernity (1870-1941)] — (doctoral project)
Dr. des. Frances Jackson
Zůstali věrni? Narrativierung(en) der nationalen Gefährdung [= "Zůstali věrni?" Narrating Munich and Beyond] — (doctoral project)
Dr. Anna Juraschek
Die Rettung des Bildes im Wort. Bruno Schulz’ Bild-Idee in seinem prosaischen und bildnerischen Werk [= The salvation of the image in the word. Bruno Schulz's idea of the picture in his prosaic and pictorial work] — (doctoral project; completed)
Jana Kantoříková, M.A.
Das Werk Miloš Martens und die Frage der Intertextualität [= The work of Miloš Martens and the question of intertextuality] — (doctoral project; completed)
Yasir İslam Kaplan, M.A.
Modern Literary Rewritings of Quranic and Biblical Narratives in Turkish — (doctoral project)
Petar Kehayov, PhD habil.
Grammars in Language Death: Finnic-Russian Contact Interfaces — (postdoctoral project; completed)
PD Dr. habil. Friederike Kind-Kovács
Central Europe's Starving Children: Humanitarian Child Relief in Budapest after WWI — (postdoctoral project; completed)
Ayşegül Koca, M.A.
Guardians of an Empire, Founders of a Republic: The Lives of the 1902 Graduates of the Ottoman Imperial Military Staff College — (doctoral project)
Julia Kubasiak (née Kling), M.A.
Von Kämpfern und Opfern unter den Nachkriegshelden: Internationale Veteranenverbände und europäische Vergangenheitspolitik am Beispiel Jugoslawiens (1945-1971) [= Of fighters and victims among the post-war heroes. International Veterans' Associations, the Cold War and European Past Policy on the Example of Yugoslavia (1945-1971)] — (doctoral project)
Marina Klyshko, M.A.
Das politische Imaginäre eurasischer Fiktionsräume: Entwürfe imperialer Ordnungen im postsowjetischen Russland [= The political imagination of Eurasian fictional spaces: China in the post-Soviet discourse of Russia] — (doctoral project)
Dr. des. Slata Kozakova
Der einsame Mann, die einsame Frau. Die Krise der Geschlechter in der russischen Literatur der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts [= The Lonely Man, the Lonely Woman. Dostoevsky’s "podpol'nyj čelovek" and the Crisis of Genders in Russian Liturature of the Second Half of the 19th Century] — (doctoral project)
Dr. Henner Kropp
Die Kolonisten in Russisch-Amerika in den Expansionsprozessen Russlands und der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, 1787-1867 [= The Colonists in Russian-America and the Imperial Expansion of Russia and the United States of America, 1787-1867] — (doctoral project; completed)
Ana-Teodora Kurkina, M.A.
Intelligentsia in Exile. Bulgarian Revolutionary Emigration in the Second Half of the XIX Century and the Projects for a Balkan Federation [= Intelligentsia in Exile. Bulgarian Revolutionary Emigration in the Second Half of the XIX Century and the Projects for a Balkan Federation] — (doctoral project)
Frederik Lange, M.A.
Der Fluss unter der Brücke. Die Drina als ambivalenter Erinnerungsort [= The River Under the Bridge. The Drina as an Ambivalent Place of Remembrance.] — (doctoral project)
Svea Lehmann, M.A.
Zwischen Zugehörigkeit und gesellschaftlichem Ausschluss. Jüdische Lebenswelten in der Sowjetunion 1961-1991 [= Between Belonging and Social Exclusion. Jewish Life-Worlds in the Soviet Union 1969-1991] — (doctoral project)
Björn Lemke, M.A.
Ökonomische Ordnungsleistungen und wirtschaftspolitische Ordnungsvorstellungen in Österreich-Ungarn 1897-1910 [= Economic order and economic-political ideas of order in Austria-Hungary 1897-1910] — (doctoral project)
Anton Liavitski, M.A.
"Auf der letzten Strecke". Die belarussische Intelligenzija und die Herausforderungen des Nationalstaats ab 1991 [= "On the last stretch". The Belarussian intelligentsia and the challenges of the nation state since 1991] — (doctoral project)
Dr. Anna-Dorothea Ludewig
"Die jüdische Frau" – Verhandlungen von Weiblichkeit und Judentum in der (kultur-)zionistischen Literatur und Publizistik [= "The Jewish Woman" - Negotiations of femininity and Judaism in the (cultural) Zionist literature and journalism] — (postdoctoral project)
Dr. Ekaterina Makhotina
Erinnerungsdiskurse zum Zweiten Weltkrieg in Museen, Gedenkstätten und Denkmalkultur Litauens
1944 - 2010 [= Remembrance discourses on World War II in Lithuania's museums, memorials and monuments of 1944-2010] — (doctoral project; completed)
Mara Matičević, M.A.
Grenzenloses Erzählen. Narrative Konstruktionen migratorischer Subjekte in den Literaturen der Gegenwart [= Boundless storytelling: Narrative Constructions of Migratory Subjects in Modern Literature] — (doctoral project)
Daniela Mathuber, M.A.
"Na Moskve net carja". Das samozvanstvo als kulturelles Gedächtnis in der Geschichte Russlands [= "Na Moskve net carja." The samozvanstvo as a cultural memory in the history of Russia] — (doctoral project)
Ruslan Mitrofanov, M.A.
The Institutionalization of Psychiatry in the Russian Empire: the Case of the Kazan District Hospital as a Transnational Study [= The Institutionalization of Psychiatry in the Russian Empire: the Case of the Kazan District Hospital as a Transnational Study] — (doctoral project)
Bajro Muric, M.A.
Exploring Family Language Policy, Linguistic Repertoires and Identity Construction of the Bosnian Immigrant Population in Germany, Austria and Switzerland — (doctoral project)
Dr. Irina Morozova
The Debate on Progress, Social Order and Economy and the Rise of New Inequalities in Central Asia, 1970-90s — (postdoctoral project; completed)
Jacqueline Nießer, Diplom-Kulturwissenschaftlerin
Transnationale Vergangenheitsaufarbeitung im postjugoslawischen Kontext: Die "Koalition für REKOM" [= Transnationally dealing with the past in the post-Yugoslav context: The “Coalition for RECOM“] — (doctoral project; completed)
PD Dr. Jana Osterkamp
Vielfalt ordnen. Föderalismusvorstellungen in der Habsburgermonarchie [= Arranging diversity. Conceptions of federalism in the Habsburg Monarchy and its successor states] — (postdoctoral project; completed)
Patricia Pfeifer, M.A.
BildTransformationen. Aktuelle Positionen im osteuropäischen Film [= ImageTransformations. Current positions in Eastern European film] — (doctoral project)
Marek Pršín, M.A.
How can the success of the Czech Pirate Party be explained? — (doctoral project)
Nevena Radosavljević, M.A.
The Role of Civil Society Organizations in Peace-Budiling Process in Kosovo (2008-2022) — (doctoral project)
Henriette Reisner, M.A.
Von Propaganda bis Poesie. Der frühe Sowjetische Animationsfilm im Spiegel politischer und ästhetischer Debatten [= Early Soviet Animation as reflected on the Aesthetical and Political Debates] — (doctoral project; completed)
Jakub Sawicki, M.A.
Esskulturen im modernen Nachkriegseuropa. Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Deutsche Demokratische Republik und Volksrepublik Polen 1965-1975 im Vergleich [= Food Cultures in Modern Post-war Europe. A Comparative Analysis of the Federal Republic of Germany, German Democratic Republic and People's Republic of Poland 1965-1975] — (doctoral project)
Daniel Schrader, M.A.
Demokratie repräsentieren? Politische Praktiken und Sprachen russländischer Räte- und Stadtdumendelegierten in Revolution und Bürgerkrieg, 1917-1919 [= Representing Democracy? Political Practices and Languages of Delegates to Russian Town Soviets and Dumas in Revolution and Civil War, 1917-1919] — (doctoral project)
Dr. Karina Shyrokykh
Roads to Human Rights: Assessing the Effects of the EU Human Rights Promotion in the Former Soviet Republics — (doctoral project; completed)
Oana Valentina Sorescu-Iudean, M.A.
The Evolution of Testamentary Behavior in Eighteenth Century Hermannstadt (Sibiu) [= The Evolution of Testamentary Behavior in Eighteenth Century Hermannstadt (Sibiu)] — (doctoral project)
Dr. Arnošt Štanzel
Die Wasserwirtschaft in Rumänien und der Tschechoslowakei: Von Wasserträumen und Wasserräumen im Staatssozialismus. Ein umwelthistorischer Vergleich [= An Environmental History of Water Management in Romania and Czechoslovakia during State Socialism (1945-1989). A Comparison] — (doctoral project; completed)
Sophie Straube, M.A.
Transformation der Diaspora. Polen, die politische Emigration und die Amerikanische Polonia 1989-2004 [= Transformation of the Diaspora. Poland, Political Emigration and American Polonia 1989-2004] — (doctoral project; completed)
Dr. Berenika Szymanski-Düll
"Art has no nationality" – Gastspiele und Globalisierung im 19. Jahrhundert [= "Art has no nationality" - guest performances and globalization in the 19th century] — (postdoctoral project; completed)
Emanuel Tatu, M.A.
"Erfahrung" und "Wahrnehmung" in der Prosa rumänisch-jüdischer Autoren der Zwischenkriegszeit (ca. 1920-1940). Ion Călugăru, Ury Benador, Max Blecher [= "Experience" and "Perception" in the Literature of Romanian-Jewish Writers of the Interwar Period (ca. 1920-1940)] — (doctoral project)
Jan Tesař, M.A.
The History of Scientific Atheism. A Comparative Study of Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union (1953-1989) — (doctoral project; completed)
Katalin Tóth, M.A.
"I love Budapest. I bike Budapest?" Eine kulturwissenschaftliche Analyse des urbanen Radfahrens in der ungarischen Hauptstadt (1983-2013) [= "I love Budapest. I bike Budapest?" An ethnography of urban cycling between local meaning and international sustainability discourses] — (doctoral project; completed)
Dr. Jasper Trautsch
Remapping the Euro-Atlantic World and Imagining ‚the West’: The Spatial Reordering of Europe and North America, 1945-1957 — (postdoctoral project; completed)
Max Trecker, M.A.
Hilfe für die „Dritte Welt“? Multilaterale Kooperationsversuche im Rat für gegenseitige Wirtschaftshilfe [= Red Money for the Global South: The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA) and the Economic Side of the Cold War in the Third World] — (doctoral project; completed)
Philipp Tvrdinić, M.A.
Stanislaw Lem und die Kybernetik [= Stanisław Lem and Cybernetics] — (doctoral project)
Dr. Darina Volf (née Majernikova)
Über Riesen und Zwerge: Tschechoslowakische Amerika- und Sowjetunionbilder 1948-1989 [= The Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP): East-West Cooperation despite System Competition (1970s)] — (doctoral project; completed)
Andrey Vozyanov, M.A.
Infrastructures in trouble: Tramway, Trolleybus and Society in Ukraine and Romania after 1990 — (doctoral project; completed)
Dóra Vuk, M.A.
Kongruenz in der kroatischen Herkunftssprache in Ungarn und Österreich [= Congruence in the Croatian language of origin in Hungary and Austria] — (doctoral project; completed)
Veronika Wald, M.A.
Valenzstrukturen im russisch-deutschen Sprachkontakt [= Valency structures in the Russian-German language contact] — (doctoral project; completed)
Eva-Maria Walther, M.A.
Entangled Opponents: Tolerance and Nationalism in Slovakia — (doctoral project)
Mag. Peter Wegenschimmel
Transformations from Below: Shipyards and Labour Relations in the Uljanik (Croatia) and Gdynia (Poland) Shipyards since the 1980s — (doctoral project; completed)
Dr. Nina Weller
Vergangenheit der Gegenwart. Geschichtsbilder, Fiktion und Erinnerung in der belarussischen, russischen und ukrainischen Kultur [= The Past of the Present. Representations of History, Fiction and Remembrance in the Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian Culture] — BMBF funded postdoctoral project, November 2018 – late October 2021
Fiktionalisierung der Geschichte: Repräsentationen des Zweiten Weltkriegs und ihre erinnerungskulturellen Dimensionen in der russischen, ukrainischen und belarussischen Literatur [= Fictionalization of history: Representations of the Second World War and dimensions of memory cultures in contemporary Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian literatures] — (postdoctoral project; completed)
Kai Johann Willms, M.A.
Agenten des Kulturtransfers. Polnische Emigranten in der amerikanischen Osteuropaforschung, 1939–1989 [= Agents of Cultural Transfer. Polish Émigré Scholars in the Development of Eastern European Studies in the United States, 1939–1989] — (doctoral project)
Orhun Yalcin, M.A.
History of Artvin and Kars in the 19th century — (doctoral project)
Yuguang Zhou, M.A.
Sino-Yugoslav relations 1975-1990: How China viewed Yugoslavia differently from other Eastern European States — (doctoral project)
Dr. Martin Zückert
Die Erschließung der Karpaten. Staatliche Strukturpolitik, Nutzungskonflikte und ökologische Veränderungen in einer Gebirgsregion [= Structural Policies in the Slovakian Carpathians. State Development Policies and their Social and Ecological Consequences] — (postdoctoral project; completed)